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Gift Of Growth


The Columbus Botanical Garden is a non-profit organization sustained by the generosity of its members and community friends. Gifts directly support the Garden's operations, plant displays and collections, engaging educational programs for children and adults, and sustainability efforts in our community. Your financial contributions also impact our community by supporting our outreach programs and partnerships to raise awareness of food deserts and break down the barriers that prevent a community from having access to nourishing food.

Ways You Can Support

  • Become a member

  • Attend a fundraising event and educational program

  • Donate

  • Volunteer

  • Become a docent

  • Talk about the Garden and raise awareness of all we have to offer

  • Invite a friend and visit the garden


Donate to the Columbus Botanical Garden

The future is bright as we look to the coming years that include projects such as the renovation of the Gin House into an educational facility and the development of a Nature Play Children’s Garden. You can help shape the city of Columbus and its offerings by supporting the Columbus Botanical Garden. Your donations directly fund the operational costs to create this public space and programs offered at the Garden that serve the community. Thank you for making an immediate impact.


***CBG is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS for the current tax year.***

Donate Now


Are you interested in discussing a
personalized giving opportunity?

Our development team is available to work with you to create a unique giving plan that will leave a legacy at the Columbus Botanical Garden.


Please contact Veronica Johnson or Executive Director, Adriana Quiñones.

Your Donations at Work


Honey Anyone? Support our Beekeeping & Pollinator Programs

Your contribution helps to cover the costs of materials, maintenance, and honey production. Bees and other pollinators are incredibly important to our Eco-system. Their pollination helps germinate our vegetable garden for #Nourish Columbus – an outreach program to combat food insecurities in Columbus, GA. These bees also generate income for the Garden with honey sales as well as ensuring new growth throughout the garden.


It All Falls Down! House Restoration Project

Our historic grand Dame- the Adams Farmhouse has been around since 1898. We have done a great job developing the surrounding gardens but now it’s time to give our buildings the love they deserve. Your gift will help us with much needed repairs so that the house and buildings can continue to be used by our visitors and guests and to help make the gardens the premier place for memory making events.


Nourish Columbus

CBG believes that accessibility to nourishing food is the cornerstone of a healthy person and ahealthy community.


Your donation directly impacts the North Highland Community by funding the expenses to grow and harvest fresh organic vegetables from the Sally H. Adams Vegetable Terraces that are donated. The Nourish Columbus movement is a partnership of multiple non-profits including MercyMed, Truth Spring Academy, Feeding the Valley, the MercyMed Farm, and other local farms. Let’s break down the barriers that prevent access to nourishing food and eliminate the food insecure areas of Columbus one nourishing meal at a time. Join our movement to #NourishColumbus


Grow Your Garden

There are many ways to grow a garden- planting seeds and plants, nourishing the soil, and having the right tools! Help our staff & volunteers succeed at making our Garden gorgeous by contributing to our Gardens Basic Needs. We will need gloves, pruners, weeding knives, buckets, knee pad, etc. to weed, prune, pick, and plant and to keep the garden in tip-top shape. Your gift will buy and replace equipment that our staff and volunteers use every day.

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